The VIRTUAL Journey

A digital library of horsemanship.

About eLEARN

We created a digital platform that contains a variety of horsemanship topics that range from fundamentals, hoof care, equine management, equine events, to topics including well-being and welfare.  At Full Circle Horse, we transcend the traditional confines of horsemanship, merging the wisdom of time-honored practices with modern methodologies to cultivate success and holistic well-being.

Establishing Confidence through Ground Control. Sonic is a 3yr old mini gelding that never established ground control. Ty Jones Training

Covering Basic Horsemanship for Community. Triple “B” Ranch

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In Navajo (Diné) culture, the horse is central to life and an understanding of the world. Kelsey John, a professor of American Indian Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona, tells the story of her relationship with Bambi, a Navajo Mustang she befriended, trained, and eventually adopted.

Watch on YouTube

Visit us on Social Media for shared horsemanship and training tips.

Mental Toughness
Mental toughness is a crucial quality for success in equine competition, where the demands of the sport test both rider and horse. One key aspect of mental toughness is …

Feet Off the Ground
Riding a horse can feel exhilarating, but for many, it also comes with a sense of unease. One key contributor to this lack of confidence is…

Pressure Right
Pressure in sports manifests as a complex psychological experience, characterized by an increasing sense of stress when…

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